Miniature Earth

Saturday 19th December 2015 As we relax with our families and friends over the Christmas and holiday period, safely cocooned in our little part of the world, the Miniature Earth video below helps to keep it all in perspective…

wazmacMiniature Earth

Google Classroom: Export your Gradebook

Monday 7th December Tucked away inside Google Classroom is this option to exported your grade book as a CSV file that can be easily imported into other grade keeping programs….. Other Classroom tips ‘n’ tricks at our Google Classroom How-to page >>>

wazmacGoogle Classroom: Export your Gradebook

dinotot Search

Thursday 3rd December 2015 DinoTot is a free search service for children, powered by Google safe search. DinoTot search results are kids-oriented. Sites that present information in an easy, simple way are placed on the top of the search results. Sites that are made specifically for kids get a special ranking boost. Search results appear in large Arial font and … Read More

wazmacdinotot Search

Getting started with Google Classroom

Tuesday 1st December 2015 Learn how to use Google Classroom to provide an online classroom environment that you can ‘blend’ with regular class activities. Classroom is available free for schools using Google Apps for Education, and is integrated with your Google Drive. Students and staff can access Google Classroom from any computer or iPad (or other tablet) at school or at home, fitting neatly … Read More

wazmacGetting started with Google Classroom