Google ClassroomGoogle Classroom is available for no cost to schools using Google Apps for Education.

Classroom provides an online classroom environment which can host discussions and assignments, accessible only by students enrolled in the class.

Teachers can create, collect and grade assignments. Classroom collates which students have submitted assignments and those with assignments outstanding. Teachers can provide direct, real-time feedback and comments on assignments from within Classroom.

Classroom automatically creates Drive folders for each assignment and for each student to help keep everyone organised.

Students can keep track of what’s due on their Assignments page and are able to access resources relating to a unit of work, such as videos and class notes.

Your Google Classroom can be linked from within your class website.

 Resources & Info What's new in classroom Classroom Quickstart Login to Classroom
Resources & Info What’s New? Quickstart Guide Login to Classroom
(GAFE account required)

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See also:
Admin: Enable Guardians in Classroom >>>
Getting started with Google Drive and Google Apps >>>

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