Getting-started guides, tips, tricks and hidden features of popular apps and services…
G Suite
Google Guides & Videos wazmac google guides Google Support Centre 
G Suite
Step-by-step guides & Videos
G Suite
wazmac’s Quickstart Guides 
G Suite
Google support centre
Google Classroom
  Resources & Info  
  Google Classroom
Resources and guides


See also:
GAFE FAQs about security, privacy, data ownership, etc.
Google GAFE Privacy Statement 
Google and Accessibility


Make a class web page
Weebly Weebly - iOS Weebly
Create a new site
Weebly – Publish News
from an iPhone
Add resources to a page
WordPress EduBlogs  
WordPress  Edublogs  
Other stuff

Moving away from SMART Notebook

  • So you have moved to a school that doesn’t have licensing for SMART Notebook software? What to do with all those resources that you have already created?
Browsers Prevent web browsers remembering passwords

  • If your students and teachers are using shared computers, adjust the deployed image so that the web browsers don’t automatically remember the previous users’ credentials.
iMac with image

Scaling images for your web site

  • If you want your photos and images to look good on Retina displays you will need to double your pixels.
Google Reading Levels Google’s Reading Level filter

  • Use Google’s search to filter results into three reading levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced, based on the vocabulary and sentence structure of the site. (Update – 2015: Google appear to have disabled this feature)
Doctopus Doctopus – Overview

  • Use Doctopus (a Google Apps add-on) to manage shared documents with students using Google Apps.
Doctopus Doctopus – Create class folders

  • Use Doctopus (a Google Apps add-on) to create shared folders for students in your classes.
Flubaroo Flubaroo – Grade online assignments

  • A Google Apps add-on that is used to grade online assignments that have been created in Google Forms.
Dropbox Dropbox

  • Tips ‘n’ tricks and how-to resources for using Dropbox in schools.
Evernote Evernote

  • Wide range of tips ‘n’ tricks videos for Evernote.
Teaching with tablets Teaching with Tablets

  • Collection of information and resources for using mobile devices in K-12 schools.
Edmodo Edmodo

  • Stacks of how-to guides for using Edmodo in your school.
Moodle Moodle

  • Quickstart notes & tutorials for teachers who are new to Moodle but who may also have a role in managing a Moodle site and providing leadership in the use of Moodle in their school.

Move iPhoto Library

  • Free up space on your Mac HD by moving your iPhoto Library to an external HD. 
Preview Preview

  • Do you use Apple’s Preview application for reading PDF documents? Preview also includes some basic tools for editing both images and PDF documents.
EduBlogs Edublogs

Presentations Effective Presentations

  • When the time comes to share information with colleagues, make sure that your presentation is remembered for all the right reasons.
Apple TV Wireless Presentations with Apple TV (coming soon)

  • If you are sharing information from an Airplay-enabled Mac or iDevice, you don’t need to be tied to a desk at the front of the room. Anyone in the room (ie – students, etc) can share their screen with the audience, via an Apple TV.
Screen Capture Screen Capture

  • Use the built-in tools in OS X, Chrome OS, Windows and iOS to capture images from the screen when you are creating how-to guides for students and teachers.

Windows 7 – Automatic Login

  • When using your own device (not a shared device), you can go straight to your the desktop when you startup, with no login screen…
    – Click on the Start button and enter netplwiz in the search box;
    – Untick the box requiring a Username and Password
adminHow-to Guides