Cloud Regulations for schools<<< Cloud Provider Policies

Many K-12 schools now use Google Apps for Education, and other online services, on a regular basis for both curriculum and administrative functions.

However, the companies providing these services generally have a minimum age restriction for the use of their services – usually 13 years of age.

The majority of the published regulations relating to the use of these online services by students in K-12 schools relate to the United States, where the companies providing these services are based.

In the US the use of such services by children is governed by COPPA – the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

Are there any similar guidelines or regulations in Australia? 

In seeking an answer to this question I contacted my local member of federal Parliament.

In response I received information about the Australian Government’s perspective on this issue from the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications.


wazmacOnline services in K-12 schools (Aust)