This week in 2/3L

Parents, caregivers and the school community can share in Class2/3L’s learning activities through their class news page. A class web site is the first step in providing an online learning environment for your class – and a great way to start on that journey is with a class news page. The 2/3L class web site is created using Weebly. Visit the Class 2/3L … Read More

wazmacThis week in 2/3L

Google Drive v Dropbox v OneDrive

Monday 16th May, 2016 Access to decent online file storage is practically a necessity these days, whether it’s for work or home, and everyone seems to have an opinion on which option is best. Here is a review of three of the most popular file syncing services out there – have a read of yet another opinion on which is most suitable for your needs… … Read More

wazmacGoogle Drive v Dropbox v OneDrive

Google Slides gets Q&A feature

Friday 6th May, 2016 Google has announced a significant update to its web-based Google Slides with the introduction of a new Q&A feature that will allow the audience to ask questions from any online device during the presentation. The update also includes more presentation options for iOS, including the ability to present directly to a Hangout call. Google Slides also now includes … Read More

wazmacGoogle Slides gets Q&A feature

Chromebooks A-Z

Chromebooks A-Z is a one day hands-on workshop that equips teachers, school leaders and IT staff to become familiar with Chromebooks and their use in K-12 schools. Participants will be involved in activities to explore the features of Chromebooks and how they support the use of Google Apps for Education in the classroom. The local (Illawarra) workshop will be held at … Read More

wazmacChromebooks A-Z