Blending and Flipping….

Blended & Flipped LearningThe term blended learning describes a learning environment where online resources are integrated in a way to complement traditional face-to-face classes.

Flipped learning refers more specifically to an environment where classrooms become ‘tutorial centres’, where learning activities are based on knowledge that has been gained outside the classroom, through research supported by the online component of the classroom.

This process builds on many of the ideas and technologies developed for use in distance education and ‘blends’ those technologies with more traditional learning activities in ‘regular’ classrooms.

See also: Wikipedia Blended Learning definition >>>

Background info and reading
Google Classroom
Google ClassroomSchools using Google Apps for Education have a free built-in option for online classes.
  Edmodo in Action
EdmodoVideo examples of how Edmodo can be used to support the curriculum.
Flipped Classroom
flipped-classroom-187How the Flipped Classroom was born, and how it is transforming the traditional learning environment.
Class Website
Class Web sitesAn online gateway to class activities is an essential component of a successful blended learning environment.
Blooms Digital Taxonomy
Bloom's TaxonomyOur focus is still on developing challenging learning environment for students, using technology or not.
SAMRIs technology redefining learning opportunities in your school? Or just more of the same with a new interface?


Reading & Discussion              
  • Google Classroom
    A useful tool in a blended/flipped GAFE classroom – teachers create and organize assignments, provide feedback, and communicate with their classes. Students can organize their work, submit assignments, and communicate directly with their teachers and peers. 
  • Educanon
    Build interactive online lessons around video clips from YouTube, Vimeo, TeacherTube, etc.
  • Cybraryman
    Links to discussion and examples relating to Blended Learning.
  • Flipped Classroom – Six Myths
    Discussion of some misconceptions relating to popular (mis)understandings of the Flipped classroom. (It’s about the pedagogy, not the technology).
  • Edmodo in Action
    Video examples of how Edmodo can be used to support the curriculum.
  • North Carolina Uni
    Defines ‘blended learning’, discusses its history, and provides suggestions for creating an effective blended learning experience.
  • Reverse Instruction
    If kids can get content delivery online why do we have to use precious class-time for this purpose?
  • Sloan Downloads
    Free publications relating to research about, and delivery of blended learning.
  • Transform the Classroom
    Combine the benefits of online instruction with the advantages of face-to-face instruction, to improve learning in ways that are impossible to achieve using only face-to-face meetings or only online resources.
  • What makes great e-learning?
    It is very easy to take paper or web based content and stick it into an e-learning module, but is that really ‘e-learning’?
  • 21st Century Learning
    21st century standards, assessments, curriculum, instruction, professional development and learning environments can produce 21st century outcomes for today’s students.


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