Explore these tools for your own personal use, and they will soon find a place in your professional toolbox…
Search Tools How to
Google Search Google Search Tools
There is way more to Google search than the basic search box that most of us use.
How to search on Google
Keep it simple and be specific.
KidRex Search KidRex
A kids-friendly Google search tool for younger students
What is KidRex and how does it work?
Information about KidRex for parents and teachers.
dinotot-search-200 dinotot
Another kid-friendly search based on Google safe-search.
About dinotot
Information about dinotot and how it ranks sites in search results.
Google Search Filter search results by reading levels
Narrow down appropriate content for your online class resources.
Google Search Google Regional Search
Use the Google search engine tailored to specific regions, rather than your default location.
Cloud docs and file storage How to
Google Drive Google Drive
Create an account, then access and edit your online docs from any computer or mobile device.
Google Docs 101
An introductory video guide to using Google Docs in a collaborative education environment.
Dropbox Dropbox
Explore the possibilities of sharing files in the cloud. Includes an introductory video.
What is Dropbox?
Sign up and watch the introductory video at the Dropbox site.
Evernote Evernote
Create an account, then access and create notes (and web clippings, etc) from any computer or mobile device.
Evernote 101
Getting started with Evernote – tips & tricks for newbies.
Online learning and collaboration How to
Google Classroom Google Classroom
Create and organise assignments, provide feedback, and communicate with classes.
Classroom Quickstart
Learn how to create a class, set an assignment, grade assignments, etc.
Edmodo Edmodo
Create a free account to setup a sharing environment for your class.
Edmodo 101
Learn the basics with these easy to follow quickstart documents and videos.
Moodle Moodle
Create a free account at this site and explore the mechanics of e-learning.
Wazza’s Moodle Stuff
Examples, tutorials and other information for teachers getting started with Moodle.
EduBlogs Edublogs
Create a blog for your class, a teacher group, faculty or school.
Starting an Edublog
Introductory video to help get started creating your first blog.
Google Drive Google Drive & Apps
Share documents and share with others (teachers or students) to edit.
Getting Started with Google Apps
Step by step guide to the basics of sharing Google Docs, and other Google Apps.
Presentation tools How to
Airplay - Reflector Reflector
Mirror your iOS screen (or students’ screens) on a computer (Mac or PC) connected to a projector.
Reflector Support
Info about the Reflector app, and how to set it up.
Google Drive Google Drive
Create a presentation using Google Slides, then access from any device.
Getting Started with Google Apps
Step by step guide to the basics of Google Slides, and other Google Apps.
prezi-150  Prezi
Present from your browser, desktop, iPad, or iPhone and always have the latest version of your work at your fingertips.
Getting started with Prezi
Introductory video and various guides. 
Idea? Apps Dashboard
Provide easy access to online tools for students and teachers.
Idea? Online Research Task
Use online tools to provide an e-learning environment.
Mrs K's Class Mrs K’s Class
A class website created using EduBlogs.
wazmacOnline Tools & Ideas