The acronyms BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology), and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) have come into common use in the education sector as schools re-evaluate their learning environments in a world where students and teachers have ubiquitous access to a wide range of technologies in their day-to-day lives.
Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on school-owned technologies, while ‘banning’ many of those very same technologies if they are owned by students?
Why not leverage student technology ownership, and encourage the use of those technologies to support learning both inside and outside the classroom?
If your school is planning to move to a BYOT model, the information below may be useful in developing program resources, infrastructure and policy.
Essential ideas for implementing BYOT / BYOD in your school |
- BYOT Checklist
Device specifications are not the most important consideration when planning for BYOT / BYOD in schools. 
- BYOT – Reading and discussion
What is the difference between BYOT and BYOD? What are others’ experiences implementing BYOT in their schools? Lots of ideas and background information. 
- BYOT and BYOD Policies
Examples of policies, guidelines, and student agreement documents developed by individual schools. 
- BYOT – School & Community Information
Examples of information circulated by schools to their communities, outlining various aspects of each schools’ BYOT and BYOD program – device and software requirements, student agreements, etc. 
- School Planning and PD
Explore how BYOT fits into the changing school ICT environment, the school planning process, and professional learning programs. 
- Tech support for BYOT
The first step in providing tech support for BYOT is to ensure that your school has a robust wireless network, covering the whole campus, and providing enough capacity for the simultaneous connection of all staff and student devices. 
See also: |