Thinking about itImagine if you were setting up a new school today – planning and installing the school’s new technology infrastructure from scratch.

How would it look, in the ideal world?

Here is my view of the likely preferred options….

Wireless network

The default network installation as per current standards, with a focus on high-speed wireless access across the campus:

  • Fastest Internet connection available – currently 100 Mb fibre;
  • 10Gb links from Campus Distributor (CD) to each Building Distributor (BD);
  • 1000 Mb (Gb) PoE switch in each BD, distributing 1000 Mb to each data outlet;
  • A commercial-grade Wireless Access Point (WAP) in each classroom, each staff study and each administrative area of the school.
  • Network capacity for 5 devices per person across the campus.
  • Read more about school networks >>>


Local Servers
Local Servers

We are using a cloud service for storing files, so no local file server is required. However, depending on your school’s systemic service providers, you may need:

  • a DHCP server;
  • a DNS server;
  • an Intranet server;
  • a student management server;
  • an Internet content management server;
  • a Proxy caching server;
  • A Sentral server combining all of the services above;
  • A re-imaging server (if the school is to be maintaining more than 20 school-owned computers)
  • Read more about local servers for schools >>>

All students are expected to provide their own devices. The school maintains only a small fleet of devices:

  • Desktop computers for office and clerical staff;
  • Laptop (mobile) or desktop computers for use of specialised software (more likely required in 7-12 school faculties);
  • Spare ‘stand-in’ devices for students with damaged / discharged / lost devices;
  • Where shared computers are made available, a generic (or guest) ‘student’ account (auto-login) with a single desktop or Dock icon to connect to Google Drive.
  • Read more about managing ICT devices on school networks >>>

All ‘office’ software is cloud-based:

  • Google Apps For Education (GAFE) is the default format across the campus;
  • Locally installed apps on student devices for curriculum requirements;
  • Software installed on devices owned by students, or ‘loaned’ from school app account;
  • Cloud-based apps are evaluated for specialised requirements.
  • Read more about Cloud Apps for schools >>>
File storage
Files in cloud

Student and teacher files to be stored on remote servers:

  • Accessible from all devices and OSs;
  • Accessible from all locations, 24/7;
  • If Google Apps is the default ‘office’ software, then Google Drive is the logical file storage service – includes unlimited storage capacity for each student and teacher.
  • Read more about Cloud file storage services >>>
Internet access
Internet connection

School connection at 100Mb – or fastest local service provision:

  • All Internet access through a local caching proxy server;
  • Local, or systemic, content filter;
  • Online class activities to be focussed through a class website.
  • Read more about class web sites >>>
School Administration
 School administration School administration protocols built around support for curriculum activities:

  • School-owned desktop computers;
  • Personal devices used where appropriate;
  • Online ‘office’ software;
  • Collaborative document editing (Google Apps, etc);
  • Files available 24/7, from any location;
  • Online student management and reporting software, accessible through a web browser interface, on any connected device;
  • Online attendance and attendance reporting software, accessible through any device (PxP in HS).
Professional Learning
Professional Learning

Last, but definitely not least:

  • Model of adopting new technologies for personal use;
  • Regular TPL exploring options for the appropriate use of ICT in a curriculum context;
  • Regular PD for admin staff;
  • TPL relating to student management and reporting packages.
  • Read more about TPL >>>
   Download an A4 copy of the above table (pdf) >>>
   See also: Transitioning your school to the new ICT era >>>



wazmacModern School Technology Model (2016)