PreviewDo you use Apple’s Preview app for reading PDF documents?

Did you know that Preview also includes some basic tools for editing both images and PDF documents?

Info below about accessing some of those ‘hidden’ features….

Adding your signature to PDF documents 

Digital Signature (Video)

Add your signature to PDF documents using Preview. No need to print then scan/fax.

Enabling annotation tools  

To access Preview’s editing tools, launch Preview, and click on the Edit button at the right of the toolbar.

Annotate button

Alternatively, click on the the View menu and choose Show Edit Toolbar.


Manipulating photos and images

Open a photo in Preview.

  • Click on the Zoom buttons on the toolbar to zoom in and out.
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  • Click on the selection tool menu at the left of the editing toolbar, then choose rectangle, eliptical, lasso or smart lasso tool.

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    Selection tools

  • Drag a selection box over a part of the photo. Choose Crop from the Tools menu (or Cmd-K) to crop the photo.

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  • Other options to explore in the Tools menu:
      • Adjust colour;
      • Rotate left or right;
      • Flip vertically or horizontally.

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        Tools Menu

Batch resizing photos

Make a duplicate copy of a folder of photos, then drag the duplicate folder onto the Preview icon in the Dock.

  • The photos should all open in one Preview window, with the individual photos displayed in the sidebar. (If each photo opens in an individual window, check Preview’s Preferences > General.)

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  • Click on one photo in the sidebar, then Select All the photos using Cmd-A.
  • Click on the Tools menu and choose Adjust Size… 

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    Adjust Size

    Explore the pop-up menus to see the scaling and measurement options.

  • Click the OK button.
  • Choose Save from the File menu.
Batch Rotating photos 
 Preview  Make a duplicate copy of a folder of photos which need to be rotated, then drag the duplicate folder onto the Preview icon.

  • The photos should all open in one Preview window, with the individual photos displayed in the sidebar. (If each photo opens in an individual window, check Preview’s Preferences > General.)

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  • Click on one photo in the sidebar, then Select All the photos using Cmd-A. (Or drag your mouse over all the photos in the sidebar to select all of them.)
  • Click on the Tools menu and choose Rotate Right (or Left)… 

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  • All the selected photos will now be rotated in the chosen direction.
  • Choose Save from the File menu.
Adding text or images to a photo or PDF document  
 Preview  Open a photo or a PDF document in Preview.

  • Click on the Editing Tools button on the toolbar. 

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    Annotate button

    You will see an additional row of tools appear on the left side of the toolbar.

  • In a PDF document the new toolbar will look like this:

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    Editing Tools - PDF

    In an Image file the new toolbar will have some additional icons:

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    Editing tools - images

    Rolling your mouse over each icon will give you an indication of the purpose of the tool.


  • Clicking on an icon will open up more tools relating to that particular tool – eg… clicking on the text tool provides more options relating specifically to the text function.

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    Text tools

    Select the text tool, click and drag to add a text box to a PDF document.

  • Click on the other tools to see their related tool options. The circle and rectangle tools can be used to add those images to a document.

    You can select the thickness of the lines, line colour, fill colour, etc form the tool options.

Adding and removing pages in PDF documents

Open a multi-page PDF document in Preview.

  • If it is not already visible, click on the Sidebar button in the toolbar and choose Thumbnails to display all the pages in the document.

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    Display thumbnails

  • You will see the main page, with all the other pages displayed in the sidebar.

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    Display pages

  • You can drag the thumbnails in the sidebar to re-order the pages in the document.
  • You can select pages to delete them.
  • You can copy and paste pages.


  • You can open multiple documents and drag pages from one document to another.

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    Multiple documents

wazmacApple Preview Tips