Government PolicyFederal Government (Australia)

  • National Curriculum
    Information about the proposed national curriculum.
  • MySchool
    NAPLAN results for all schools in Australia. Also provides other information about each school – web address, enrolment numbers, etc.
  • Digital Education Revolution
    Details of the Federal Labor government’s program to support ICT in schools, including lists of schools that have received funding.
  • Student access to online services in Australian schools
    Information about students using online services such as Google Apps for Education in K-12 Australian schools, as provided by the Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister for Communications.

New South Wales

  • Main DEC Policy Page
    Search for policy documents relevant to NSW public schools, TAFE and the DEC corporate sector.
  • NSW DEC BYOD Policy (2013)
    Requirements for NSW Govt schools that allow students to use personal mobile electronic devices at school. Includes links to literature review, guidelines, and a student agreement form.
  • Communications Policies
    Acceptable use policies for devices and services, for staff and students.
  • Acceptable use policy for Students
    Defines the policy for school students of the NSW Department of Education and Communities for the appropriate and acceptable use of internet and online communication services provided by the Department.
  • Internet Publishing Guidelines (pdf)
    Internet publishing guidelines for NSW DEC schools. Published in 1998, this document is worth a browse if only for the historical perspective. (Remember Navigator 3.0 Gold?)
  • Web Publishing Guidelines checklist (pdf)
    One-page summary of the above publication.
  • Wiki & Blog Guidleines
    Published by the Sydney Institute of the NSW TAFE.
  • Podcasting Guidelines
    Information published by the NSW DEC relating to copyright issues in regard to podcasting for educational purposes.

South Australia




Western Australia

Northern Territory

Related documents and Examples…

Internet Acceptable Use Policy…

  • NSW DEC Acceptable Use Policy
    Acceptable use policy for school Internet and email services, as published by the NSW DET.
  • Sample IAUP (30k – .doc)
    This sample school Internet Acceptible Use Policy developed from scratch by a group of teachers in Sydney, taking the best bits from existing policies and forming them into a generic policy example that can be used by other schools.

Student Publishing Permission Note…

Some examples:


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