Curriculum Planning‘ICT in the curriculum’ is not the same as ‘learning about computers’.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can become an engaging tool to support the learning process. This site is all about developing school management and planning structures that foster the exploration of new and emerging technologies to support and enrich classroom learning activities. The goal is to ‘normalise’ technology use in the school – for technology use to become ‘transparent’.

The links below provide some discussion and ideas about how ICT can be used to support teaching and learning.

It is critical to the school planning process that these curriculum considerations are used as a starting point to determine the professional learning and infrastructure needs of the school, so that those components support the transparent implementation of activities using ICT in the classroom.

Key ICT Planning Documents
ICT Planning Workbook    BYOT Planning   WiFi Network Planning 
ICT Planning Workbook    BYOT Planning & Ideas    iPad Wireless
 Link your ICT plan with a whole-school plan. Identify issues, define outcomes, propose solutions, track assigned tasks, budget & responsibilities.   The device used by students and teachers should be the last issue considered when planning the introduction of a BYO model in your school. Examples and ideas.   Regardless of the best intentions, the ‘normalisation’ of online classroom activities will fail without a robust and transparent WiFi network.
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Curriculum ICT Planning – Getting Started
Useful documents to support the discussion and planning process in your school…
Technology is a tool, not a learning outcome
A great discussion starter for planning meetings. Are technology skills the desired outcome?
  ICT Planning Flowchart (pdf)
Planning OverviewThe curriculum and associated TPL should be at the centre of the ICT planning process.
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
Bloom's TaxonomyThe inclusion of digital activities doesn’t magically engage higher order cognitive skills.
  Planning Worksheet (pdf)
Planning WorksheetDiscussion sheet for mapping school progress in key aspects of the planning cycle.
SAMR in your classroom
Has new tech brought new learning opportunities to your classroom? Or new tools to do same old stuff?
  ICT Implementation Matrix (pdf)
Where is your school in a progression along the ICT planning and implementation continuum? 
ICT Planning Workbook
ICT Planning WorkbookIdentify issues, define outcomes, propose solutions, track tasks, budget and responsibilities.
List and track the progress of the tasks to be achieved to implement your school plan.



Sir Ken Robinson

Will Richardson

ICT in the Curriculum – Planning
Reading & Discussion
  • Digital Normalisation
    Discussion around the new paradigm for the deployment and use of ICT in schools. (Roger Brodie)
  • The Changing Learning Environment
    A school’s perimeters are no longer the only place students learn. Kids are learning about the world from their homes, from the community, and anywhere it’s available to them.
  • The cross-platform classroom
    Focus on the outcomes, not the tools – discussion related to the proliferation of multiple OSs in classrooms.
  • Curriculum Trends
    What we as adults experienced in school, as educators and students, bears little resemblance to today’s classrooms.
  • IWBs are no silver bullet
    Forget the cutesy animations and web sites. Good pedagogy is the most important ingredient for the successful use of an interactive whiteboard in the classroom.
  • Planning Principles
    NSW Board of Studies info about planning to create a learning environment that assists students to achieve the outcomes of the K-6 syllabus.
  • Blast from the Past!
    Here is a document from around 2006 mapping ICT ‘skills’ to curriculum documents – we have come a long way since then! (For historical reference only!)
Related Learning Information and Discussion
Reading & Discussion
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy (Wikipedia)
    Background info about the development and the classification of cognitive learning objectives.
  • Google-proof questioning
    Leverage Bloom’s Taxonomy to develop research tasks that promote analysis, interpretation, and investigation.
Learning Styles
Reading & Discussion
  • Learning Styles (Wikipedia)
    Definition of, and theory behind, learning styles.
  • Overview of Learning Styles
    By recognizing and understanding learning styles, we can implement classroom strategies better suited to individual learners.
  • Multiple Intelligences
    How do your students learn? There may be eight alternative pathways to learning the same concept.
  • Howard Gardner
    More info about Gardner’s theories and concepts of multiple intelligences.
Other Related Information
Reading & Discussion
    Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority – responsible for developing and assessing a national curriculum.
  • Assessment Resource Centre
    NSW Board of Studies resources to support and enhance professional practice in the assessment and reporting of student achievement across Years K to 12.
  • Challenge based learning
    A multidisciplinary approach to teaching and learning that encourages learners to leverage the technology they use in their daily lives to solve real-world problems.
  • Digital Literacy Poster
    Created for a technology day in a US school district, this poster may be useful for use in local classrooms and staffrooms.
ICT Skills Mapping
Reading & Discussion
  • BOS – Stages 4 – 5
    NSW Board of Studies site that lists the Information and Communication Technologies integrated within the outcomes and content of the mandatory Years 7-10 syllabuses.
  • Old stuff – Stages ES1 – 3 (pdf)
    Were you using ICT at school in the 1980s? If so, you may be familiar with this style of mapping document, and the classification of ICT. Maps a narrow range of ICT-related skills to specific NSW BOS syllabus references. (See also: How not to plan)








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