<<< ICT Planning and PD

Before we can start planning, we need a clear vision of our planning outcomes.

Does your school ICT planning vision look like…..

this… or this…
Learning with ICT   Building cabinet
As educators, what are we trying to achieve?

ICT VisionAs with any school planning process, school ICT planning should start by considering student learning outcomes, then work towards the development of Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) programs and an ICT infrastructure that supports these outcomes.

Too often schools start their ICT ‘planning’ with the mapping and installation of ICT infrastructure, then try to shoe-horn their curriculum needs into this (possibly ill-fitting and restrictive) infrastructure. And then tack some TPL on at the end! (See: How not to plan! >>>)

There are now also a wide range of online activities and apps for mobile devices that claim to support the classroom learning environment. Those not familiar with the role of ICT in a quality learning environment may consider these online activities and apps to be a ‘magic fix’ that can ‘tick the box’ when considering the role played by ICT in a school’s curriculum offerings.

It will soon become obvious that these sites and apps are only of any real benefit when used in conjunction with broader strategic application in the classroom. Unfortunately they are often used as time-fillers for students.

It is essential that relevant Teacher Professional Learning is a key ingredient in any school ICT planning process, so that ICT becomes an integral part of the learning environment – using ICT to support learning, rather than becoming a separate ‘learning about technology’ process.

The diagram below suggests that curriculum considerations should be the starting point for any school planning process, including ICT planning, resulting in a more relevant and meaningful learning environment, a more connected and stimulating professional development program and a more focussed and relevant ICT infrastructure program, supportive of a rich learning environment.

ICT Plan - Flowchart

(PDF of this diagram)


Related reading:

7 Habits of Highly Effective Tech-leading Principals >>>

Digital Normalisation: The imperative for all schools >>>

SAMR in schools – are you redefining learning? >>>

Blooms Digital Taxonomy >>>

ICT Planning Workbook >>>

adminICT Vision