This week in 2/3L

Parents, caregivers and the school community can share in Class2/3L’s learning activities through their class news page. A class web site is the first step in providing an online learning environment for your class – and a great way to start on that journey is with a class news page. The 2/3L class web site is created using Weebly. Visit the Class 2/3L … Read More

wazmacThis week in 2/3L

Parents, put down the cell phones

Social media has a place and a purpose, but too many parents are creating unnecessary stress by trying to be in two places at once, while modelling to their children that online relationships take precedence over real ones. In an era of constant distraction, we must decide what’s more important: heeding the constant ping of our devices, or telling our … Read More

wazmacParents, put down the cell phones

Red Moon – Lunar eclipse tonight (Aust)

Wednesday 8th October 2014 Here is another one of those great natural science discussion-starters for students of all ages ….. A blood red moon will emblazon Australian skies on Wednesday night, during a rare total lunar eclipse. A blood moon occurs in the event of a total lunar eclipse, when the Sun, Moon and Earth form a line and the … Read More

wazmacRed Moon – Lunar eclipse tonight (Aust)

Port Kembla PS – Student Showcase

Wednesday 20th August 2014 Visit the classes at Port Kembla Public School in NSW…. Class activities, performances at local schools, and excursions, are all documented on these class pages. Visit the PKPS Showcase >>> (Powered by Weebly)

wazmacPort Kembla PS – Student Showcase

School Jargon Busters

Do parents at your school find themselves wondering why their children talk about playing under the school COLA? Are they baffled at parent-teacher discussions about KLAs? They are not alone! Schools sometimes have their own language, so this site has busted this list of common acronyms, abbreviations and terms to make the world inside the school gates seem a little more familiar. Check out … Read More

wazmacSchool Jargon Busters