What’s in a name? (Bluetooth)

Where did the name ‘Bluetooth’ come from? Would you believe 10th-century Danish royalty? And how about the origins of the Bluetooth icon? (Could come in handy for the next trivia quiz night!) Learn more at BetterCloud >>>

wazmacWhat’s in a name? (Bluetooth)

Google Drive v Dropbox v OneDrive

Monday 16th May, 2016 Access to decent online file storage is practically a necessity these days, whether it’s for work or home, and everyone seems to have an opinion on which option is best. Here is a review of three of the most popular file syncing services out there – have a read of yet another opinion on which is most suitable for your needs… … Read More

wazmacGoogle Drive v Dropbox v OneDrive

GAFE – Notify me when shared folders change

Tuesday 10th November 2015 If you share a lot of docs and files in your Google Drive, keeping up with who is editing which files can be a headache. Rather than setting up notifications on every document you share, you can be notified if any document in a particular (shared) folder is being edited. Although this functionality is not yet built … Read More

wazmacGAFE – Notify me when shared folders change

Google Drive plug-in for Microsoft Office

Wednesday 22nd July 2015 Using this new Google Drive plug-in, people using Microsoft Office for Windows can now open their Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents stored in Drive, then save any changes back to Drive once they’re done. (Windows only) Read more >>>

wazmacGoogle Drive plug-in for Microsoft Office

Box now includes Microsoft Office Online

Tuesday 14th July 2015 Box have announced that you can now create a Word doc, PowerPoint presentation or Excel spreadsheet, directly from your online Box account (no Microsoft account required)…..

wazmacBox now includes Microsoft Office Online

2014’s worst passwords revealed

Friday 6th February 2014 Despite all the warnings, people persist in choosing easy-to-break passwords to protect their precious online data. For all the high-tech security threats lurking in the shadows, weak passwords are the easiest to fix, yet apparently the most ignored. It’s not that difficult to come up with complicated yet easy-to-remember passwords, it’s just that some people still aren’t prepared … Read More

wazmac2014’s worst passwords revealed

The case of eBooks v paper books

Wednesday 14th January 2015 Did you purchase a new e-reader over the holidays? Is it as good as (or better than) a regular hard copy book? Naomi Baron has some thoughts >>>

wazmacThe case of eBooks v paper books

Travel Tech for the Holidays

Friday 19th December 2014 Do you have all your technology sorted for your summer holiday travelling? Track your flights, check your accommodation and keep in touch with fellow travellers with your iDevice. Check out wazmac’s favourite apps and gadgets for the tech-savvy traveller >>>

wazmacTravel Tech for the Holidays

Parents, put down the cell phones

Social media has a place and a purpose, but too many parents are creating unnecessary stress by trying to be in two places at once, while modelling to their children that online relationships take precedence over real ones. In an era of constant distraction, we must decide what’s more important: heeding the constant ping of our devices, or telling our … Read More

wazmacParents, put down the cell phones

iPhone 6 Plus – Camera review in Iceland

Friday 19th September 2014 Photographer Austin Mann compares the iPhone 6 Plus camera with the iPhone 5s camera on a photography expedition in Iceland. Check out the results >>>

wazmaciPhone 6 Plus – Camera review in Iceland

Minnesota rolls out iPads to 40,000 students

Monday 1st September 2014 Minnesota’s St. Paul School District is preparing to deploy tens of thousands of iPads to students in 37 schools around the city. Rather than purchasing the tablets outright, the school district will lease them from Apple. The cost of the program – which also appears to include more than 1,000 MacBooks – will begin at $5.7 … Read More

wazmacMinnesota rolls out iPads to 40,000 students

Dropbox drops prices

Friday 29th August 2014 Google and Microsoft have recently become very aggressive with pricing for their Drive and OneDrive file storage services, undercutting Dropbox, the longtime leader in the online file storage domain. Apple also recently announced similar pricing to Google and MS for their soon-to-be-released integrated iCloud Drive service. After much speculation Dropbox has finally responded, rationalising its pricing plans to offer just 2 options: Free – … Read More

wazmacDropbox drops prices

Is your email address portable?

Wednesday 6th August 2014 If you use Dropbox, Tripit, Skype, PayPal, eBay, Facebook, Edmodo, WordPress, etc, etc, or bank online, or pay your phone, road-toll, ISP, or other regular bills online, you need an e-mail address. And if you want to preserve some long-term sanity, this address needs to be a constant. In particular, if you use an e-mail address provided by … Read More

wazmacIs your email address portable?