MS Office for iOS now free

Monday 10th November 2014 Microsoft has succumbed to pressure from rivals – it has updated Office apps for iOS and Android – now you can edit Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files, for free. Previously you could view documents with the MS Office apps, but required an Office 365 subscription to edit documents. Microsoft has also integrated the new apps with Dropbox, and now provides … Read More

wazmacMS Office for iOS now free

eCarnival free for schools

Monday 27th October 2014 eCarnival is an iPad app, developed by a local Illawarra teacher, for recording results at school sports carnivals.  And it is now available for schools for free! Use eCarnival to record your sports carnival results, and the app will generate sports house points automatically.  With eCarnival you can:– Record results for Athletics, Swimming, Cross Country or any other … Read More

wazmaceCarnival free for schools

Minnesota rolls out iPads to 40,000 students

Monday 1st September 2014 Minnesota’s St. Paul School District is preparing to deploy tens of thousands of iPads to students in 37 schools around the city. Rather than purchasing the tablets outright, the school district will lease them from Apple. The cost of the program – which also appears to include more than 1,000 MacBooks – will begin at $5.7 … Read More

wazmacMinnesota rolls out iPads to 40,000 students