What makes an ‘outstanding’ school?

Wednesday 25th November 2015 A five-year pilot study by a team of Southern Cross University researchers has identified four elements critical to creating an ‘outstanding’ school. The results of the study have been published in a book titled ‘Creating the Outstanding School’, authored by Professor David Lynch, Jake Madden and Tina Doe. Professor Lynch said governments across the globe were … Read More

wazmacWhat makes an ‘outstanding’ school?

Preparing for BYOT

Monday 16th November 2015 Is your school planning for the introduction of BYOT (or BYOD)? The first item on the checklist of many schools planning for the use of students’ and teachers’ own technologies on the school network is ‘what are the minimum specifications of permitted BYO devices?’ In fact, experience in schools where BYOT has been a success suggests that … Read More

wazmacPreparing for BYOT

GAFE – Notify me when shared folders change

Tuesday 10th November 2015 If you share a lot of docs and files in your Google Drive, keeping up with who is editing which files can be a headache. Rather than setting up notifications on every document you share, you can be notified if any document in a particular (shared) folder is being edited. Although this functionality is not yet built … Read More

wazmacGAFE – Notify me when shared folders change