What makes an ‘outstanding’ school?

Professor LynchWednesday 25th November 2015

A five-year pilot study by a team of Southern Cross University researchers has identified four elements critical to creating an ‘outstanding’ school.

The results of the study have been published in a book titled ‘Creating the Outstanding School’, authored by Professor David Lynch, Jake Madden and Tina Doe.

Professor Lynch said governments across the globe were calling on schools to improve the teaching and learning performance of their schools.

“Socio-economic success in a technologically based global world is requiring all citizens to have high standards of education,” Professor Lynch said.

“The challenge for school principals, who are charged with implementing such school reform agendas, is making pragmatic sense of the enormous volumes of largely disparate education research being conducted around the world.”

The pilot study, conducted under the leadership of Professor Lynch, was undertaken at a Coffs Harbour primary school. The first challenge for the research team was to define what was meant by ‘outstanding’ school.

Professor Lynch discussed the study – how to define an outstanding school, and how to create an outstanding school – in this interview on the ABC:

wazmacWhat makes an ‘outstanding’ school?