Back to School – 2015

Tuesday 20th January 2015

As we begin to organise ourselves for the new school year (here in Australia), what should we be thinking about from an ICT perspective?…

Continuum Where is your school on the ICT Continuum?

Wireless report Is your school ready for mobile technologies?


Are you ready for BYO?

Google Drive Treat yourself to some free PL – get a Drive account

  • Are you ready for the anytime-anywhere era?
  • Gone are the days when you stored your files on a server that is accessible only at school.
  • Google Apps for Education (GAFE) provides unlimited file storage capacity, and your documents are available anytime, anywhere, from any device.
  • If your school doesn’t already have GAFE…..
  • Explore the possibilities with your own Google Drive account (Free) >>>
Google Classroom Online classes are easy with Google Classroom 

  • Forget Moodle and other complicated ‘learning management systems’.
  • Google Classroom is free for schools using GAFE, and is accessible from anywhere, at anytime, on any device.
  • You don’t need to setup a server or employ a technician to make it happen.
  • Check out this introductory video about Classroom >>>
 Smiley Computer Have a great year!
wazmacBack to School – 2015