Reading LevelsUpdate: Google has removed this feature (July 2015)

While a class web page can provide a useful environment to share links to web sites and other resources that support your class activities, finding sites that are suitable for your students often consumes a great deal of time.

Google provides a tool that may help – you can filter web site search results by reading level.

Google can filter sites into three reading levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced, based on the vocabulary and sentence structure of the site.

  • Pages filtered as Advanced tend to have longer, more complicated sentences and more difficult vocabulary;
  • Intermediate pages are a little less complicated in sentence structure and vocabulary;
  • Basic level is the easiest level to read.
Here’ how to filter your Google search results based on reading levels….
1. Create a new search.

Search Google


2. At the top of the page, above the search results, click on the Search Tools button.

Search Tools


 3. In the new row of links that appears below the Search Tools button, click on All Results, and choose Reading Level from the pop-up menu.

Reading Levels


4. Google presents a graph of the percentage results for each reading level across all the results of your search – Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

Reading Level Results


5. Clicking on the link adjacent to each level (ie – on the words Basic, Intermediate or Advanced) will filter the results to show only those results that match the filter criteria.

Select Level


6. You can use these filtered links as a starting point for adding suitable sites to your class web page, or suggested research links for a class project.

Intranet Pic


  Learn more about creating a class web site for your class projects >>>
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