PDF Moodle 101 (pdf)
An introductory ‘getting started’ guide for teachers that have never used Moodle. How to:

  • create a course
  • link to a web site
  • link to a document
  • set an assignment
  • grade an assignment
PDF What is Moodle?
Background information about Moodle – it’s jargon, it’s structure and it’s role in a school learning environment.
Multiple Docs Moodle v1.9 Quickstarts
There are stacks of Quickstarts for a variety of Moodle features at the old wazmac site. I may add some new Moodle 2.x materials here eventually! But for now, these docs are still useful for getting started.
  Please note: These Moodle resources are no longer being updated – I am moving to Google Classroom



wazmacMoodle Quickstarts