Note: While many of these sites provide interesting frameworks and designs, most require authentication to access courses.

Example Frameworks
HS Moodle Example Somewhere HS
A basic Secondary school site framework example. Includes Guest access. (v1.9)
PS Moodle Example Somewhere PS
A basic Primary school site framework example. Includes Guest access. (v2.0)
“Standard” Themes
 Endeavour HS Endeavour SHS
Faculty based layout with a customised header.
 Francis Greenway HS Francis Greenway HS
Faculty/year based gateway to the school’s Moodle site.
 Middleforth Middleforth PS
Moodle used in a UK Primary school, with ‘Year’ categories.
 Narara Valley Narara Valley HS
Faculty layout using Foodle theme to mimic Facebook style.
Warrawong HS Warrawong HS
Organised into HS faculties and other school departments.
“Custom” Themes
Mt Austin HS Mt Austin HS
Using Moodle for curriculum support and a school portal.
Newbury College Newbury College
Courses tucked away behind an engaging front page.
NZ Schools NZ Schools
Great looking site – very appealing to encourage exploration.
adminSchool Moodle Examples