Google Sheets – Convert old to new

sheets-new-f-168If you are using Google Sheets to create your spreadsheets, you are probably already using the recently-released new version of Sheets.

But what about your existing spreadsheets? How do you convert a spreadsheet created in the original version to the new format?

While Google doesn’t provide a simple one-click conversion tool yet, there is a quick workaround…

  • Open the a spreadsheet created in the original version;
  • Select ‘Download as’ from the File tab;;
  • Choose the Microsoft Excel filetype (doesn’t matter if you don’t have Excel installed);
  • Locate the downloaded file and upload it back into Google Drive;
  • Make sure the Excel file is converting to the Google Sheets format;
  • If necessary, re-share with all your collaborators from the original file.

Here is a video overview of the process from Google Gooru…

wazmacGoogle Sheets – Convert old to new