Improve Writing Skills Using Digital Writing and Google Docs

Writing SkillsMonday 23rd June 2014

Would you like to improve your students’ writing skills and help them bridge the gap between writing in school and writing in the real world?

One way of doing so is by using digital writing and Google Docs, the documents editor available in Google Drive.

Since Google Docs is collaborative and available 24/7, students using Google Docs often write more frequently and better than when given traditional paper and pencil writing tasks.

Join Susan Oxnevad in this webinar as she shows how to use Google Docs to thoughtfully incorporate digital writing into the curriculum. Susan will explain how to fully utilize the latest Google Docs features, such as integrated reference tools and collaborative revision tools to help you and your students embrace digital writing. (Tuesday 24th June 3:00 PM US EDT – Wednesday 25th June 5:00 AM AEST)

Register now at Simple K-12 >>>

wazmacImprove Writing Skills Using Digital Writing and Google Docs

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