<<< Google Apps How-to guides

Wazza’s Quickstarts
PDF Google Sheets Quickstart Guide (pdf)
An introductory ‘getting started’ guide for teachers who are new to the Spreadsheet component of Google Apps.
Other guides and videos
Google Slides Google Sheets for Teachers
Step-by-step guide to getting started with Google Spreadsheets.
Google Slides

Pivot Tables in Google Sheets
A pivot table allows you to ‘pivot’ or rotate data, thus looking at it from different angles and seeing a variety of patterns which may not be immediately obvious.

Google Slides 24 Free Docs Templates
Some good idea-starters for fresh Document layouts and Spreadsheets. (Click on ‘Use Template’ to save a copy to your Drive)
Google Slides 5 little-known Sheets Functions
Some of these options might be handy – calculate days left for a project, validate email addresses, create email addresses, and translate foreign languages.
Google Slides 3D Charts Extension
Add this extension to create 3D versions of your charts for your next presentation.
Google Slides

Record Macros in Sheets – skip mundane tasks

Google Slides

Sort and filter data in columns….

Google Slides

Separate first and last names in a column….

Google Slides

Use Conditional Formatting to create a ‘heat map’….

Google Slides

 Use Conditional Formatting for alternate row/column colours…

Google Slides

Create an Organisational Chart….

Google Slides

Create Pivot Tables….

Google Slides

Share live data from one Sheet’s tab to another spreadsheet (Import Range)….

Google Slides

Create Protected Sheets and Cell Ranges….

Google Slides

Add Data Labels to Charts….

Google Slides

Using add-ons for Google Docs and Sheets….

Google Slides

(Admin) Controlling Add-on installation across your Domain….

Google Slides

Using the Flubaroo Add-on to grade assignments….

Google Slides

Grade assignments with Goobric – (Using rubrics with Google sheets)….

Google Slides

Quick Sum in Google Sheets….

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Import HTML and Filter Views in Google Sheets….

wazmacGoogle Apps Quickstarts – Sheets