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Wazza’s G Suite Quickstarts

How-to guides and ideas from various workshops….

Google Classroom
Google Classroom Google Classroom Quickstart Guide
Create a class, post class announcements, and set and grade assignments.
Google Drive
Google Drive Getting started with Google Drive (pdf)
Create a free Google account and setup new folders in your Google Drive space.
G Suite
Google Docs Google Docs Quickstart (pdf)
An introductory ‘getting started’ guide for teachers who are new to the Documents component of Google Apps. (See also – Sharing Google Docs in the section below)
Google Sheets Google Sheets Quickstart (pdf)
An introductory ‘getting started’ guide for teachers who are new to the Spreadsheet component of Google Apps.
Google Slides Google Slides Quickstart (pdf)
An introductory ‘getting started’ guide for teachers who are new to the Presentation component of Google Apps.
Google Drawings Google Drawing Quickstart (pdf)
An introductory ‘getting started’ guide for teachers who are new to the Drawing component of Google Apps.
Google Forms Google Forms Quickstart (pdf)
An introductory ‘getting started’ guide for teachers who are new to the Forms component of Google Apps.
Google Quiz Create a self-grading Quiz
An introduction to creating a self-grading quiz using Google Forms.
Google Photos Sharing Google Photos
Upload your photos to Google Photos, create an Album, then share that album with a link.
Using G Suite in the Classroom and Staffroom
Sharing Google Docs Sharing Google Docs with others (pdf)
An introductory guide to sharing your Google documents with others, for either viewing or editing.
Sharing Google Docs Organising your Shared with me folder
You can ‘move’ documents that have been shared with you into any other Drive folder.
Google Docs Word Clouds in Google Docs
Install a free add-on to create word clouds directly within Google Docs.
Google Sheets Recording, Graphing, Presenting
Classroom activities with Google Apps – record information in a Google spreadsheet, graph the information, and publish the results in a report.
Google Reading Levels Google Search – Filter results by reading levels
Google can filter sites into three reading levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced, based on the vocabulary and sentence structure of the site.
Other Stuff…
Ubuntu Ubuntu – Getting started
Find you way around the Ubuntu operating system.
wazmacWarren’s Quickstart Guides