iPad Apps

<<< Local Apps

iPad apps are installed on your iPad and may be completely local apps, or apps that provide modified access to cloud services.

Below are some popular iPad apps used for ‘creating content’ that lend themselves to supporting curriculum outcomes and teachers’ professional needs in K-12 schools. These apps can be used to support Bloom’s higher order thinking skills.

This list should be considered as a ‘getting started’ list, and is by no means comprehensive. Check out the App Store for a full range of iPad apps for education.

Some apps listed below are free apps, others are paid apps. Where apps are free I try to avoid apps that have prominent advertising or in-app purchases, which may be distracting for students. (Though some free apps listed below may have since included advertising, or made their advertising more prominent or less appropriate since the apps were listed!)

Of course, many cloud services used in a browser on a desktop computer are also accessible through a web browser on an iPad, without the need to install an app.

(This list is collated from my personal experience and observations in local schools – if there are any ‘must-have’ apps that you feel are missing from this list, please leave a message in the comments below.)

See also:


What do you want to do?….   QuickStarts
Manage class projects Showbie   Showbie
Write a story or a report Google Sheets QuickOffice – Google Drive
– Quickoffice
Pages Book Creator – Pages
– Book Creator
Story Patch Creative Book Bulider Story Patch
Creative Book Builder
Edit collaboratively Google Sheets   – Google Drive
– Pages
Take some notes Evernote Noteshelf – Evernote
Present information Google Sheets Prezi – Google Drive
– Prezi
Keynote Book Creator Keynote
Explain Everything Phoster Explain Everything
Phoster Examples
Create a comic strip Strip Designer Comic Life

Strip Designer
Comic Life

Vector drawing iDraw   – iDraw
Artistic drawing Art Set    
Edit Photos iPhoto Snapseed iPhoto
– Snapseed
Make a video iMovie Replay Video Editor iMovie
Stop-motion video Lego Movie Stop Motion Studio – Lego info in app
– Stop Motion Studio
Smoovie MyStopAction – Smoovie examples
– MyStopAction
iMotion HD   iMotion HD
Intro SM Video
(Ages 2 – 6)
Play School Art Maker    
Time-lapse video iMotion HD   – iMotion HD
Animated Video Tellagami    
Create music GarageBand   GarageBand
Make a word cloud Word Cloud    
Draw a mind-map Popplet Lite MindMeister  
iThoughtsHD   iThoughtsHD
Make a timeline Timeline 3D   timeline3D
Cloud file storage & sharing Dropbox Box  
Google Sheets Copy App  
Edit a website  BlogPad Pro   BlogPad Pro
wazmaciPad Apps – Creating Content

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