Glued to the screen

Monday 22nd June 2015 A third grade class where kids spend 75% of the day on iPads? Is this the future of education? When the 24 third-graders in Morgan Mercaldi’s class arrive at the Jackson Avenue School every morning, they take their iPads out of their backpacks and put them on their desks. The tablets will remain there, or in … Read More

wazmacGlued to the screen

K-12 ICT Infrastructure Planning

Tuesday 16th June A sound ICT infrastructure is an essential foundation of a successful modern learning environment. To be successful in supporting the curriculum, school ICT infrastructure development and implementation (computers, mobile devices, the network cabling, wireless access points, etc) must be considered in conjunction with, and in response to, the needs of the school learning environment. Is your school’s … Read More

wazmacK-12 ICT Infrastructure Planning

Travel Tech for the Holidays

Friday 19th December 2014 Do you have all your technology sorted for your summer holiday travelling? Track your flights, check your accommodation and keep in touch with fellow travellers with your iDevice. Check out wazmac’s favourite apps and gadgets for the tech-savvy traveller >>>

wazmacTravel Tech for the Holidays

Where is your school on the ICT continuum?

Monday 17th November 2014 As schools here in Australia begin their planning processes for the 2015 school year, now is a good time to consider how new technologies are being harnessed to support curriculum activities. The broad adoption of mobile electronic devices in the wider community has changed the options for ICT in schools. Schools are moving from remote ‘labs’ to always available BYO … Read More

wazmacWhere is your school on the ICT continuum?

MS Office for iOS now free

Monday 10th November 2014 Microsoft has succumbed to pressure from rivals – it has updated Office apps for iOS and Android – now you can edit Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files, for free. Previously you could view documents with the MS Office apps, but required an Office 365 subscription to edit documents. Microsoft has also integrated the new apps with Dropbox, and now provides … Read More

wazmacMS Office for iOS now free

Does your school support mobile learning?

Wednesday 17th September 2014 I recently stumbled upon the presentation below, titled Mobile is Eating the World, created by Benedict Evans. The presentation below (it is definitely worth a scroll through the 24 slides) uses sales charts to highlight the massive shift in the kind of technology that is being consumed throughout the developed world. People aren’t buying desktop PCs – … Read More

wazmacDoes your school support mobile learning?