Why you need a Gigabit connection for your WiFi

Network SpeedMonday 5th May 2014

If you have 20 wireless devices connecting to a single Wireless Access Point (WAP), those wireless devices are sharing the bandwidth that is available to that single WAP’s connection to the network.

If your WAP is connected to the network (via an Ethernet connection) at 1000 Mbps then each of those 20 wireless devices can expect a maximum concurrent connection speed of 50 Mbps.

If your WAP is connected to the network at 100 Mbps, then each of those 20 wireless devices can expect a maximum concurrent connection speed of 5 Mbps.

That’s a big difference! Especially in a BYOT school.

What speed are your Wireless Access Points connecting to the network?

wazmacWhy you need a Gigabit connection for your WiFi