Teachers Golf Photos – 2014

Tuesday 23rd December 2014 The Illawarra Teachers Christmas Golf Day was held yesterday at the Port Kembla Golf Club. Check out the photos >>>

wazmacTeachers Golf Photos – 2014

Travel Tech for the Holidays

Friday 19th December 2014 Do you have all your technology sorted for your summer holiday travelling? Track your flights, check your accommodation and keep in touch with fellow travellers with your iDevice. Check out wazmac’s favourite apps and gadgets for the tech-savvy traveller >>>

wazmacTravel Tech for the Holidays

Free – 1TB of Drive storage for new Chromebooks

Wednesday 17th December 2014 Thinking of exploring the Chromebook option this Christmas? Google is offering 1TB of free Drive storage for owners of new Chromebooks (for 2 years – redeem before Jan 31st 2015). Considering that 1TB of storage is valued at around AU $120, that’s great value on a $350 Chromebook – and it is a big storage bump … Read More

wazmacFree – 1TB of Drive storage for new Chromebooks

Cost of DEC LMBR Program to soar past $573m

Tuesday 16th December 2014 Agency to plead for more funds to finish troubled rollout. NSW Education expects to have spent $573 million on its troubled ERP overhaul by the middle of next year, at which point it will have to return to the state government for more funds to finish the mammoth project. In a report released today, NSW Auditor-General … Read More

wazmacCost of DEC LMBR Program to soar past $573m

Implementing Chromebooks in a K-6 school

Monday 15th December 2014 At the beginning of the year, Matt’s public school in Sydney purchased thirty-two Chromebooks to be used as shared devices in their school library. The Chromebooks were purchased to replace ageing desktops that used to make computer time in the library a challenging experience. When embarking on this journey, Matt was able to read plenty of case studies about schools in the USA … Read More

wazmacImplementing Chromebooks in a K-6 school

School Planning: the ICT infrastructure continuum

Friday 12th December 2014 As schools here in Australia begin their planning processes for the 2015 school year, now is a good time to consider how new technologies are being leveraged to support curriculum activities. The broad adoption of mobile electronic devices in the wider community has changed the options for ICT in schools. Schools are moving from remote ‘labs’ to always-available BYO models. Technology … Read More

wazmacSchool Planning: the ICT infrastructure continuum

Lesson plans using iPads

Thursday 11th December 2014 Published by a teacher in the Newcastle (NSW) area, this site provides specific lesson plans and student work samples relating to the use of various iPad apps. Check out ICT with Miss C >>>

wazmacLesson plans using iPads

No more clip art in Microsoft Office

Wednesday 10th December 2014 The end of an era…. Microsoft has announced it has done away with the expansive Clip Art library long associated with its Office suite of software, marking the end of an era for fans of the abstract, fuzzy cartoons used in desktop publishing, documents, invitations, greeting cards and presentations since the 90s. Read more at SMH … Read More

wazmacNo more clip art in Microsoft Office

Google to be revamped for under-12s

Monday 8th December With Google processing 40,000 search queries a second – or 1.2 trillion a year – it’s a safe bet that many of those doing the Googling are kids. Not surprisingly, Google plans to create specific versions of its most popular products for those 12 and younger. The most likely candidates are those that are already popular with a … Read More

wazmacGoogle to be revamped for under-12s

Prowise Presenter

Friday 5th December 2014 Are you looking for replacement software for Smart Notebook, to use with your new LCD interactive touch screen? Give the cloud-based Prowise a try with your interactive display. Prowise imports PDF, MS Office and Smart Notebook files. Check out the Free and Pro versions of Prowise >>>

wazmacProwise Presenter

Grade quizzes with Flubaroo

Wednesday 3rd December 2014 Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments created in Google Forms. More than just a grading tool, Flubaroo also: Computes average assignment score. Computes average score per question, and flags low-scoring questions. Shows you a grade distribution graph. Gives you the option to email each student their grade, and … Read More

wazmacGrade quizzes with Flubaroo

Help your students become better searchers

Tuesday 2nd December 2014 Web search can be a useful tool for students, and some in-depth discussion about how to search for academic sources will help your students become critical thinkers and independent learners. Using the materials on this site, students can become skilled searchers – whether they’re just starting out with search, or ready for more advanced training. Lesson plans and activities, … Read More

wazmacHelp your students become better searchers

Rubic’s Cube – A question, waiting to be answered

Monday 1st December 2014 Rubik’s cube is more than a puzzle – it’s a question waiting to be answered. And when the right person finds the right question, it can set them on a journey to change the world. As Ernő Rubik notes in the video below, great educators are helping young minds find the questions that challenge, excite, and let them … Read More

wazmacRubic’s Cube – A question, waiting to be answered