Implementing Chromebooks in a K-6 school

Chromebook ClassroomMonday 15th December 2014

At the beginning of the year, Matt’s public school in Sydney purchased thirty-two Chromebooks to be used as shared devices in their school library.

The Chromebooks were purchased to replace ageing desktops that used to make computer time in the library a challenging experience.

When embarking on this journey, Matt was able to read plenty of case studies about schools in the USA using these devices effectively, but none about how they might fit into a NSW DEC school environment.

Regardless, Matt’s school was excited to pioneer the use of Chromebooks, and to learn the do’s and don’t’s when implementing Chromebooks into NSW public schools.

Matt’s blog is designed to share with other teachers and IT coordinators the information he would have found useful when getting started.

wazmacImplementing Chromebooks in a K-6 school