Snow LeopardThe notes below describe the installation and configuration of an OS X 10.6 Server in a K-12 school environment. These notes are designed to assist teaching staff to configure a basic server to provide services that support such an environment, and are not intended to be comprehensive nor prescriptive.

OS X 10.6 Server (Snow Leopard) is the last of the ‘old’ OS X server configurations, built around Server Admin and WorkGroup Manager apps.

OS X 10.7 Server (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and 10.9 (Mavericks) have transitioned to a new interface and structure, reflecting a new purpose for servers in schools.

The notes below should be considered ‘legacy’ notes.

 Alert Please note: As local schools move to cloud-based file services, such as Google Drive, the need for a local file-server is diminishing. For this reason the notes below are no longer being actively updated. It may be that all a school needs on the local network these days is a DHCP server and caching server?
10.6 Server – Install & Configure

Installing Lion Server

  • installing server software;
  • configuring initial setup options.
PDF Install Server Admin & DNS

  • adjusting default configuration;
  • adding zone machines;
  • checking hostname;
  • setting up forwarders;
  • testing lookup.
PDF Services Overview
PDF Open Directory

Creating Sharepoints – Pt 1

Creating and designating shared folders for Groups and User Home Folder directories.


Users & Groups

Creating Users and Groups, assigning Home folder sharepoints, creating account Preset profiles, bulk importing users.


Creating Sharepoints – Pt 2

Configuring permissions for network re-imaging access, and permissions for subfolders within the Groups folder.



Client Imaging

These notes describe the process of re-imaging stand-alone and network computers using DeployStudio. (From old wazmac site)


Managing Preferences (983k)

Managing the Dock, Printing, Group folder, Proxy server, Safari and other default preferences for network users.


Creating a New User Template

Setting a variety of user-specific application preferences for initial deployment to each new user.

Client login to 10.6 Open Directory

OS X 10.6 clients

See also: 10.5 Client Config


Win XP – Workgroup

Accessing Mac OS X Server from Win XP in a local Workgroup.


Win XP – Domain (639k)

Setting up Mac OS X Server to be a Primary Domain Controller for Win XP computers.

Setup a school Intranet   
PDF School Intranet

Setting up your Mac OS X server to host a school intranet site built using iWeb – for teachers’, students’ and faculty sites.

wazmacWazza’s OS X Server Setup Notes – 10.6