The SAMR model in your classroom

SAMRFriday 28th March, 2014

Have new technologies brought new learning opportunities to your classroom, or simply provided students with a new typewriter interface?

Are you using technology in the classroom for the sake of using technology, or are these new devices creating new and engaging activities?

The SAMR model suggests a framework to define the impact of technology on the learning environment.

R – Redefinition
M – Modification
A – Augmentation
S – Substitution

This video provides a brief overview of SAMR in the context of Google Drive:

The graphic below, from Tech Tips for Education, is a useful aid in explaining SAMR with a coffee analogy (a comparison is between the drinks you could order from the cafe and the coffee you could make at home):


The Tech Tips for Education site also provides some discussion about caveats to the SAMR model.

For more information about SAMR in your classroom, try Googling – there is stacks of info out there!

wazmacThe SAMR model in your classroom

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