Transitioning school technology to the new era

ICT TransitionWednesday 11th June 2014

Rather than spending limited school budgets on computers and software licenses, which need to be renewed every few years, savvy schools are now focusing their technology planning on the deployment of infrastructure that can support student-owned and teacher-owned devices, leaving the cost of device renewal to the owners of those devices.

The key technology planning considerations for schools in the modern BYOT era are:

  • providing a solid and reliable wireless network infrastructure;
  • specifying file formats and file storage services that provide for multi-device, multi-location access;
  • developing collaborative file sharing facilities and protocols;
  • (most importantly) developing relevant and engaging teacher professional learning to support the application of this infrastructure in a curriculum context.

Where does your school’s technology infrastructure sit on the transition continuum – moving from school-owned technologies locked in remote computer rooms to the integrated use of personal devices supporting learning activities?

Read more about transitioning to BYOT, and download the continuum overviews >>>

wazmacTransitioning school technology to the new era

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