Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow

ACOT design principlesThe ACOT project identifies six design principles for the 21st century high school:

  • Understanding of 21st Century Skills and Outcomes;
  • Relevant and Applied Curriculum;
  • Informative Assessment;
  • A Culture of Innovation and Creativity;
  • Social and Emotional Connections with Students
  • Ubiquitous Access to Technology

How can you apply these principles in your school?

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Essential Guide to Innovation in TPL

Innovative PLThe Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership’s (AITSL) Essential Guide to Professional Learning series examines the research behind key themes of the Professional Learning Charter.

This latest issue expands on the importance of innovation and adaptability in professional learning.

How will you know when your school’s professional learning culture is innovative?

Learn more (pdf) >>>

wazmacEssential Guide to Innovation in TPL

Google slashes paid Drive prices

google-drive-200Google has announced huge reductions in the costs of their paid Drive storage plans.

Google offers 15Gb of storage for free – if you want 100 Gb of online storage the cost has dropped from $US4.99 per month to $US1.99 per month. (Google Apps files don’t count towards your storage).


Read more at the Google Drive blog >>> 

wazmacGoogle slashes paid Drive prices

New Add-ons for Google Docs and Sheets

docs-add-ons-icon-200Google have announced the inclusion of 3rd party Add-ons to Docs and Sheets, bringing additional functionality (or just some missing features) to the Google Office suite.

You will notice a new ‘Add-ons’ menu item has been added to your Docs and Sheets menu bar:

Docs Add-ons menu

With this new Add-ons feature comes a brand new store with dozens of options from which to choose.

Watch the Google video below for a brief overview…


wazmacNew Add-ons for Google Docs and Sheets

My School should be scrapped, says Piccoli

Scrap MySchool WebsiteNSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli wants the controversial My School website scrapped, arguing it is a waste of money that could be better spent on improving teacher quality.

Mr Piccoli said the publishing of NAPLAN results on My School was directly responsible for putting students under unnecessary and inappropriate stress.

Mr Piccoli said it was the publication of the results, not the tests themselves, that was damaging and the website was “of no real value”. “The bottom line is My School has negative impacts, it is used as a marketing tool for schools and the money spent on My School could be better used,” he said.

Read more >>>

wazmacMy School should be scrapped, says Piccoli

ICT Planning Vision

ICT Planning VisionAs with any other school planning, school ICT planning should start by considering student learning outcomes, then work towards the development of Teacher Professional Learning programs and ICT infrastructure that support these outcomes.

Too often schools start their ICT ‘planning’ with the mapping and installation of ICT infrastructure, then try to shoe-horn their curriculum needs into this (possibly ill-fitting and restrictive) infrastructure. And then tack some PD on at the end!

Is your school ICT Plan focused on technology or learning outcomes?

Read more >>>

wazmacICT Planning Vision

Public v Private – Should student work be public on the web?

Private v Public‘School administrators, who are rightfully risk-averse, often decree that no public posting of student work is allowed in schools – access to any student work must be limited to only those approved and with passwords.

Teachers, afraid of potential headaches due to students posting something inappropriate, or becoming involved in cyber-bullying, also get nervous about allowing students to publish freely online.

But, when you look at all the benefits that publishing to the web can bring to student learning, the answer is most definitely yes.’ (EduBlogs)

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wazmacPublic v Private – Should student work be public on the web?

Moodle 2.6 – Release videos

Moodle 2.6Teacher toolboxHave you been keeping up to date with the latest Moodle features?

These videos provide a concise overview of all the latest additions to the Moodle platform.

Watch the videos >>>

wazmacMoodle 2.6 – Release videos

Edublogs launches CampusPress


Teacher toolboxEdublogs has announced a new service called CampusPress – a web publishing environment for entire schools, districts or Universities, providing unlimited sites, users, traffic, and storage.

All hosted and accessed using cloud technologies.

Read more >>>

wazmacEdublogs launches CampusPress

Permanent Clipboard

Chrome AppsTeacher toolboxKeep regularly-used images and information on a permanent clipboard, accessible without leaving your Chrome browser.

Ideal for Chromebooks.

Check it out >>>

wazmacPermanent Clipboard

A Web Site for Your Class

Class web sitesIdea?A class or faculty web site is an integral part of a modern learning environment. Your class site can be a sub-section of a broader school site, or can be a stand-alone site.

Either way, a class web site can provide students with a gateway to online resources specifically related to class activities, projects, units of work and collaborative discussions, while keeping the school community informed about learning projects and other activities.

Check out some examples of class web sites >>>

wazmacA Web Site for Your Class

New Tools for Schools

New tools for schoolsOpinionThe world of ICT has changed dramatically over the past couple of years – and the change is continuing unabated. Even accelerating. What was ‘new and innovative’ only 2 years ago, is now very much mainstream.

Is your school remodelling the learning environment to take advantage of new technologies? Are you moving from an old ‘locked in labs’ ICT model to a new ‘anytime anywhere’ model?

Read more >>>

wazmacNew Tools for Schools

Rooty Hill HS: Breeding success

Rooty Hill HSNews & InformationRooty Hill HS, serving a culturally diverse, working-class community, welcomed its largest-ever Year 12 cohort this year. The school has above-average attendance rates and its NAPLAN results are close to or better than those of statistically similar schools.

A Grattan Institute report, released on Friday, says strong leadership, effective and collaborative teaching, data-driven analysis, positive culture and parental and community engagement are the five key strategies for turning around poor-performing schools.

Read more in the SMH >>>

wazmacRooty Hill HS: Breeding success

Help your students become better searchers

Google Search EducationNews & InformationWeb search can be a useful tool for students, and a bit of instruction in how to search for academic sources will help your students become critical thinkers and independent learners.

With the materials on this site, you can help your students become skilled searchers- whether they’re just starting out with search, or ready for more advanced training.

Learn more >>>

wazmacHelp your students become better searchers

School’s in for digital learning

School's in for digital learningNews & InformationThe techno wizards of the education world preach the revolutionary powers of devices like iPads and laptops in our classrooms.

Technophobes must embrace 21st century learning, they will tell you, because today’s students are digital natives.

But for those who were born digital, bringing technology into the classroom represents less of a revolution than a bridging of the last remaining gap in their device-saturated lives.

Read the full story at SMH >>>

wazmacSchool’s in for digital learning

BYO for NSW students (smh)

BYO - SMHNews & InformationWhile NSW primary school students were asked to bring hand sanitiser, tissues and paper towel at the start of this year, public high school students were expected to turn up with their own iPad or laptop.

For the first time, the Department of Education and Communities has a formal Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy after schools held trials last year in preparation for the end of the federally funded free laptop program.

At most public high schools students in Years 8 and 9 who missed out on a government laptop are now required to bring an iPad, a tablet or a laptop that must be compatible with school’s existing Wi-Fi network. 

Read more >>>

wazmacBYO for NSW students (smh)

Miss Sporn’s Class Blog

Miss Sporn's Class

CurriculumDrop by Miss Sporn’s Year 2/3 class at Craigburn PS (SA) and catch up on class activities, or leave a message. Visit the class >>>

From the blog….

We are a Year 2 & 3 class at Craigburn Primary School, Flagstaff Hill in South Australia. There are around 500 students in our Reception – Year 7 school.

There are 27 children in our class and our teacher’s name is Lisa Sporn. We are in the Year 2 and 3 Unit with 3 other classes and LOVE to work with all of the classes.

Our Buddy Class is Miss Hollitt’s Year 6/7 class. Our buddies are very special to us.

We LOVE using our class blog to share our learning with the families in our class and school, as well as our global friends.

wazmacMiss Sporn’s Class Blog

Google Drive Lab Report – Workflow

Ben WildeboerTeacher toolboxBen Wildeboer walks us through the process he has setup in his science classes for the distribution and assessment of his students lab reports, using Google Docs and associated utilities for creating student folders and distributing content to those folders.

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wazmacGoogle Drive Lab Report – Workflow

Hapara Teacher Dashboard


Teacher toolboxCheck out Hapara’s Teacher Dashboard for Google Apps for Education – gives you a real-time view of student activity across Docs, Sites, Blogger, Picasa, Gmail and Calendars.

Read more >>>

wazmacHapara Teacher Dashboard

Google Reading Levels

Reading LevelsTeacher toolboxA class web page can be used to share links to web sites and other resources that support your class activities – but how do you find sites that are suitable for your students’ reading level?

Try filtering your Google search results based on the reading level of the pages in the results….

Find out how >>>

wazmacGoogle Reading Levels

Corpus Christi (WA) – BYOT Information

Corpus Christi BYOTNews & InformationAre you considering BYOT options for your school? This site, from Corpus Christi Middle School in Western Australia, provides documentation, pre-requisites, and other information for parents and students.

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wazmacCorpus Christi (WA) – BYOT Information