Is that the right tool?

Is that the right tool?Tuesday 2nd June 2015

Yesterday I made reference to an article highlighting the inappropriate use of slide show software, such as PowerPoint. (Powerpoint should be banned)

We can (and should) apply similar judgments to the use of technology in the classroom – digital technologies aren’t necessarily the best tool for many learning activities.

It doesn’t hurt to be non-digital – in fact it is sometimes a more appropriate option.

wazmacIs that the right tool?

Powerpoint should be banned!

Ban PowerpointMonday 1st June 2015

“Invented in 1987, the Microsoft presentation software PowerPoint is reportedly installed on more than 1 billion computers around the world. It is estimated that more than 30 million PowerPoint presentations are given every day.

“But as PowerPoint conquered the world, critics have piled on. And justifiably so. Its slides are oversimplified, and bullet points omit the complexities of nearly any issue. The slides are designed to skip the learning process, which — when it works — involves dialogue, eye-to-eye contact and discussions. Of course PowerPoint has merits — it can help businesses with their sales pitches or let teachers introduce technology into the classroom.

“But instead of being used as a means for a dynamic engagement, it has become a poor substitute for longer, well-thought-out briefings and technical reports. It has become a crutch.

“We should ban it.”

wazmacPowerpoint should be banned!

Setup Guest access for shared computers

Cloud connectDo you still need a local file-server on your school network?

If school-owned shared computers are being used by staff and students only to access their personal files or shared resources on remote cloud servers (such as Google Drive), there is little need to have individual local network logons, or roaming profiles, etc.

So long as the computer has a network connection, it can be setup with a generic image, with a common auto-logon for everyone who uses it. Authentication isn’t required until each user connects to their remote server account – and that is managed by the cloud provider, not the school.

wazmacSetup Guest access for shared computers

Digital normalisation – the imperitive for all schools

Digital NormalisationTuesday 19th May 2015

Digital normalisation occurs when the use of digital technology across all facets of the school operations is so natural, and so accepted, that it appears to be almost invisible.

While the young people of the world, their parents and developed societies have normalised the use of digital technologies in their everyday lives, and moved their daily operations to an ever higher plane, the majority of schools globally have yet to do so, with most lagging behind general societal norms and expectations, and still operating in a lower order paper-based culture.

BYOT is a critical precursor to digital normalisation. The school has to develop a culture where it is prepared to trust and respect childrens’ and parents’ choice of technologies. The school must distribute the control of teaching in order to genuinely collaborate with its homes and to recognise and capitalise upon the learning that is happening 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

wazmacDigital normalisation – the imperitive for all schools

The Evolution of the Employee

Monday 18th May 2015

The structure of the corporate workplace can be very different to that found in schools. 

While the infographic below (reproduced from Jacob Morgan) is designed to demonstrate the differences that our current students might find in their future workplaces, it also neatly captures the structures and purposes of current K-12 school activities, and the role of teachers in those schools.

Progressive schools are providing opportunities for older students to learn anytime, anywhere and are giving them greater autonomy over their learning to prepare them well for university and working life.

Modern technologies are now a large part of the equation that makes those opportunities possible.

Does your school’s technology infrastructure support progressive outcomes or entrenched processes?

Corporate v Education



wazmacThe Evolution of the Employee

Edit Office Docs with Google Apps

Edit OfficeMonday 11th May 2015

Using Google’s Office Editing extension for Chrome, you can view and edit Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files – without needing Office installed on your computer.

Once the extension is installed, Office files that you drag into Chrome, open in Gmail or Google Drive will be opened in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides for viewing and editing.

You can save each file back to its original Office format, or convert it to Docs, Sheets, or Slides to unlock additional features, like inviting others to edit with you, commenting, chat, and more. 


wazmacEdit Office Docs with Google Apps

Google Classroom adds Mobile Editing & Grading

Google ClassroomThursday 7th May 2015

Google has released an update to its Google Classroom software, bringing several new features to the mobile app.

Teachers can now create assignments through the mobile app, edit them and distribute copies to their students. Teachers can also now grade assignments (with private comments or feedback) on their phones or tablets.

wazmacGoogle Classroom adds Mobile Editing & Grading

NBN satellite to bring outback pupils closer

Outback NBNMonday 4th May 2015

Bailey Brooks and Tilly Warby have been going to school together, 900 kilometres apart, since pre-school. 

From 8am until 2pm the six-year-olds chat, make sock puppets and do yoga together, along with 13 other students in their class – spread as far as the tropics of the Tiwi Islands to the terracotta desert of Corella Creek. 

The whole learning experience for these students could change when the Australian National Broadband Network (NBN) satellite is launched from French Guiana in South America later this year.

wazmacNBN satellite to bring outback pupils closer

NAPLAN: Computers to mark written exams by 2017

NAPLAN OnlineWednesday 29th April 2015

Computers will mark the written component of Australian NAPLAN exams from 2017 under plans from the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).   

ACARA’s general manager, Stanley Rabinowitz, said he was “very confident” that the auto-scoring method would work when introduced in 2017. 

Schools with low Internet connectivity will be able to download the tests securely beforehand to avoid overloading broadband connections. USBs could also be delivered to remote institutions. 

wazmacNAPLAN: Computers to mark written exams by 2017

Getting started with Google Apps

Google AppsTuesday 28th April 2015

Think3 is presenting a series of Google Apps workshops for teachers…..

Google Apps for Education provides a mature, web-based suite of apps to support learning and collaboration in the classroom – on any device.

Getting Started with Google Apps is a one day workshop that equips teachers, school executive and IT staff to explore the collaboration, flexibility and ease of use provided with Google Apps for Education.

This hands on workshop will cover:

  • using Docs, Sheets, Slides and Sites apps
  • exploring Google Classroom and the Chrome Web Store
  • learning how to manage your files in Google Drive
  • sharing of documents and sites with staff and students.
  • Gmail and Google Calendar
  • the best way to use Google Apps on devices such as iPads and Chromebooks

Learn more about participating in these workshops >>>

wazmacGetting started with Google Apps

Firefox YouTube Downloader

Firefox Video DownloaderMonday 27th April 2015

If you are using a YouTube video as part of a prepared lesson you want it to run when you click the button!

Youtube download in Firefox

As shown in the image above, this Firefox extension adds a download button under each YouTube video – you can download video to your computer, so that you can run a ‘local’ version of the video, without being caught out by the vagaries of the Internet.

wazmacFirefox YouTube Downloader

Add multiple teachers – Google Classroom update

Wednesday 22nd April 2015

Google has added a number of new features to Classroom, including the much-requested option to have multiple teachers for each class. A new ‘Invite Teacher’ button is now available on the class’s About page.

Invite teacher

Another much-requested feature is the option to prepare Assignments and Announcements ahead of time, and save them as a Draft, so that those items aren’t visible to students until you choose make them ‘live’.

Prepare drafts

wazmacAdd multiple teachers – Google Classroom update

Create a ‘Heat Map’ in Google Sheets

Tuesday 21st April 2015

Google have updated the Conditional Formatting feature in Google Sheets, with a major makeover.

The example below shows how a business might use a ‘heat map’ in Sheets to provide a visual indicator of comparative success across financial periods.

Teachers could apply a similar model to gauge student progress in academic indicators, such as reading levels, etc.

wazmacCreate a ‘Heat Map’ in Google Sheets

Google Classroom – step by step guides

Google ClassroomTuesday 7th April 2015

Google Classroom provides an online classroom environment that you can ‘blend’ with your regular class activities.

Use Classroom for sharing resources, submitting and evaluating class assignments, along with co-ordinating class discussions.

wazmacGoogle Classroom – step by step guides

Easter Total Lunar Eclipse

Lunar EclipseThursday 2nd April 2015

This weekend we will experience a total Lunar eclipse, commencing at 9pm on Saturday night. (Unfortunately the NSW coastal weather forecast isn’t great!)

The Sydney Observatory site provides some useful classroom resources, including a fact sheet.


wazmacEaster Total Lunar Eclipse

Separate First and Last names in Sheets

Friday 27th March 2015

Do you have a Google spreadsheet with a column containing students’ full names?

And maybe you would like to sort the spreadsheet by students’ last names?

This neat (and free) add-on will split a column of full names into separate First name and Last name columns  – with just a click!

wazmacSeparate First and Last names in Sheets

Govt online policies for Australian students

Cloud Regulations for schools

Thursday 19th March 2015

Many schools now use Google Apps for Education, and other online services, on a regular basis for both curriculum and administrative functions.

However, the companies providing these services have a minimum age restriction for the use of their services – usually 13 years of age.

In the US the use of such services by children is governed by COPPA – the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

Are there any similar Australian Acts / Regulations / Guidelines for use of online services by children in this country?

wazmacGovt online policies for Australian students

Microsoft scrapping IE

Internet ExplorerWednesday 18th March 2015

Microsoft has confirmed that it will use a new name for its upcoming browser successor, codenamed Project Spartan. Speaking at a Microsoft event yesterday, Microsoft’s marketing chief Chris Capossela revealed that the company is currently working on a new name and brand.

wazmacMicrosoft scrapping IE

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

Bloom's TaxonomyTuesday 17th March 2015

When ‘pen and paper’ activities that focus on Lower Order Thinking Skills are transferred to a digital format, they don’t magically transform themselves to become activities that promote Higher Order Thinking Skills.

As educators we must continue to focus on developing an appropriately challenging learning environment for our students, whether or not the activities involve the use of new technologies.

Dull and mindless time-fillers are still dull and mindless regardless of the involvement of digital technologies in their presentation. A worksheet is still a worksheet!

wazmacBloom’s Digital Taxonomy

Add a slideshow to your class’s Weebly web site

Weebly SlideshowMonday 16th March 2015

Weebly is a popular option for teachers to create a class web page. The free drag ‘n’ drop site builder is easy to use, and Weebly sites look great.

If you have been on an excursion, or students have been involved in an activities day, a slideshow is a great way to show off photos of the event. And it is quick and easy to add a slideshow to your class’s Weebly site.

wazmacAdd a slideshow to your class’s Weebly web site

Google Docs – Adding a Table of Contents

Thursday 12th March 2015

If you, or your students, are producing longer documents in Google Docs, the Table of Contents feature may be useful.

Here’s Google Gooru’s video about how to add a ToC to to your document….

wazmacGoogle Docs – Adding a Table of Contents

Free Google Slides Templates

Wednesday 11th March 2015

Spice up your next staff presentation, or your students’ book reviews or other class presentation activities, with one of these free Google Slides templates….

All fully editable – open a demo presentation in Slides, then go to File > Make a copy.

Free Templates
Slides Carnival   Free Google Slides Templates
Slides Carnival template gallery  
  Free Google Slides Templates
Make your Own Slides Templates
Make your own templates    
Learn how to make your own Slides templates
See also:
Slides Quickstart   Google Guides & Videos
Google Slides Quickstart (pdf)   Google Apps Quickstart Guides
wazmacFree Google Slides Templates

Pivot tables in Google Sheets

Thursday 5th March 2015

Pivot tables help you summarise and analyse large amounts of data by displaying the information in more digestible formats.

While pivot tables have always been available in Microsoft Excel, they are now even easier to make using Google Sheets.

Check out this Google Gooru video on how to create a Pivot Table in Sheets…

wazmacPivot tables in Google Sheets

Google Drive updated

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Not too long ago Google altered the Drive interface, so that any documents that others shared with you were found in a folder called ‘Incoming‘ – I always expected to hear the sound of choppers and see Radar O’Reilly scurrying around the corner!

Thankfully, Google has renamed this folder ‘Shared with me‘. How sensible! Who would have ever thought that might be a good name for items that are shared with you!!!

Here is what you will see next time you log into your Google Drive….

Shared with me

Happy sharing!

wazmacGoogle Drive updated

BYOD – A new world of opportunity

BYODTuesday 3rd March 2015

Schools that have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy are encouraging independent learning and asking teachers to innovate in a fashion that would’ve been unimaginable to most just a few years ago.

For teachers, the opportunities and challenges are extensive. They need to be supported by the school leadership, technically and professionally, as they explore new pedagogical approaches. The ideal of “classrooms without walls” becomes possible when a teacher creates the “goldilocks conditions” that allow students to collaborate with experts and peers beyond the school gates. (Darcy Moore)

wazmacBYOD – A new world of opportunity

Google Classroom – New features

Google ClassroomMonday 2nd March 2015

Google have announced some more updates to Classroom…

  • Teachers can now upload their own images to use as themes. Classroom will now help you crop your favourite image to the correct dimensions, and automatically pick a matching class colour. And in case you don’t have a great photo to use, there are now 18 new images and 30 pattern themes in the gallery.
  • The Android and iOS apps now have access to the About page (or the class resource page) where you can provide links to assignment resource materials such as Documents and Videos.
wazmacGoogle Classroom – New features

First page headers in Google Docs

Thursday 26th February 2015

Google is continually rolling out minor updates and new features to Google Apps….

This most recent feature update has been eagerly awaited – adding different headers (and footers) on the first page of a document to subsequent pages in the document.

No need to download or install anything – the update is available now in your Docs. 

wazmacFirst page headers in Google Docs